Images of Angels? Make up your own mind!


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Subido por el 13/01/2009

collection of photos showing images of angels.





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  • I love Brahms, among his works is this one that I cherished in my youth.

  • an angel visited me once in the middle of the night, i woke up because i felt this sort of cold wind so i sat up and saw this really bright light with a beutifull women gazin at me i was scared at 1st but she spread her wings out across my bedroom and was just about to speak when i told her 2 fuck off out my room stupid bitch woke me up

  • el 0:32 es un ovni los angeles no tienen alas levitan en el cilelo no vuelan con sus alas el 3:10 es un verdadero angel todos los demas son hadas ovnis y formaciones hechas por la natualeza

  • pic at 02:30 looks like a fairy

  • i ran over an angel on the highway

  • I believe there's many things these could be. I believe there are many different things in the world that we mistake as ghost and that's and angel...or a demon. There's no way for us to decipher angels, ghost, or demons, unless they show us in speech or behavior. I also think we need to be careful not to take every unexplained thing, and turn it into something supernatural or miraculous. So, yes, some of these could be angels.

  • @MLGHaloKid lol ok ok i sent you a request

  • @Supergear100 What's your gamer tag?

  • god bless

  • Oh here we go... a bunch of trolls trying to make up there minds, epic. I'll leave you all to it.

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